(Last updated: January 2025)

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Vikrant K. Kamble, Dylan Brewer, & Matthew E. Oliver (2025). Is there a trade-off between forest expansion and agriculture? Evidence from India. Land Economics, forthcoming (accepted Feb. 2025.) [Earlier version: Link]

Matthew E. Oliver, Juan Moreno-Cruz, & Kenneth Gillingham (2024). Microeconomics of the Solar Rebound under Net Metering. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, forthcoming (accepted Sept. 2024). Link [Earlier version: USAEE Working Paper No. 23-588 Link]

Matthew E. Oliver (2023). Tipping the scale: Why utility-scale solar avoids a solar rebound and what it means for U.S. solar policy. The Electricity Journal 36(4): 107266. Link

Ross C. Beppler, Daniel C. Matisoff, & Matthew E. Oliver (2023). Electricity Consumption Changes Following Solar Adoption: Testing for a Solar Rebound. Economic Inquiry 61(1): 58-81. Link

Archana Ghodeswar & Matthew E. Oliver (2022). Trading One Waste for Another? Unintended Consequences of Fly Ash Reuse in the Indian Electric Power Sector. Energy Policy 165: 112940. Link

Matthew E. Oliver & Gregory B. Upton, Jr. (2022). Are energy endowed countries responsible for conditional convergence? The Energy Journal 43(3): 201-224. Link [Earlier version: USAEE Working Paper No. 19-414. Link]

Chris J. Kennedy,  Shana McDermott, & Matthew E. Oliver (2020) Setting carbon taxes using declining discount rates: Implications for investment-based mitigation. Strategic Behavior & the Environment 8(3): 311-344. Link

Shahaboddin H. Toroghi & Matthew E. Oliver (2019). Framework for Assessment of the Direct Rebound Effect for Residential Photovoltaic Systems. Applied Energy 251: 113391. Link

Erik Paul Johnson & Matthew E. Oliver (2019). Renewable Generation Capacity and Wholesale Electricity Price Variance. The Energy Journal 40(5): 143-168. Link

Matthew E.  Oliver (2019). Pricing flexibility under rate-of-return regulation: Effects on network infrastructure investment.  Economic Modelling 78: 150-161. Link [Earlier version available as: “Price Regulation and Pipeline Transmission Capacity.” USAEE Working Paper No. 17-295. Link]

Matthew E. Oliver & Charles F. Mason (2018). Natural Gas Pipeline Regulation in the United States: Past, Present, and Future.  Foundations & Trends in Microeconomics 11(4): 227-288. Link

Eren Cifci & Matthew E. Oliver (2018). Reassessing the Links Between Economic Growth, GHG Emissions, and the UNFCCC: A Difference-in-Differences Approach. Sustainability 10(2): 334. Link

Byung-Cheol Kim & Matthew E. Oliver (2017). Taming Drillers through Legislative Action: Evidence from Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Industry.  Resource & Energy Economics 50: 15-35. Link

Matthew E. Oliver (2015). Economies of Scale and Scope in Expansion of the U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Network. Energy Economics 52 (Part B): 265-276. Link

Matthew E. Oliver & Jason F. Shogren (2015). Common Agency, Contests, and Corruption: Why the Green Candidate Seldom Wins. Strategic Behavior & the Environment 5(2): 87-109. Link

Matthew E. Oliver, Charles F. Mason, & David Finnoff (2014). Pipeline Congestion and Basis Differentials. Journal of Regulatory Economics 46(3): 261-291. Link

Matthew E. Oliver (2014). Linking Zebra Mussel Invasion and Interstate Waterborne Commerce in the U.S.A.  Water Policy 16(3): 536-556. Link

Aaron Strong & Matthew E. Oliver (2014). General Equilibrium Ecosystem Modeling with Alternative Preference Specifications. Natural Resource Modeling 27(2): 197-215Link

Book Chapters & Non-refereed Publications

Matthew E. Oliver (2024). The Economics of Integrating Distributed Energy Resources into the Electricity System. Ch. ##, pp. ## in Distributed Generation – Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Energy, edited by A.F. Zobaa & M. Zobaa. IntechOpen. Forthcoming (accepted Jan. 2025).

Matthew E. Oliver (2021). Pipelines. Vol. 3, pp. 463-470 in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, edited by R. Vickerman. Elsevier Ltd. [Link]

Matthew E. Oliver & Charles F. Mason (2017). An Overview of Interstate Gas Pipeline Regulation in the United States. Ch. 4 in Progress in Economics Research, Vol. 39.  A. Tavidze (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers.

Erik Paul Johnson & Matthew E. Oliver (2016). Renewable Energy and Wholesale Electricity Price Variability. IAEE Energy Forum (1st Quarter 2016), pp. 25-26.

Matthew E. Oliver, Jamison Pike, Shanshan Huang, & Jason F. Shogren (2014). Climate policy coordination through institutional design: An experimental examination. Ch. 8, pp. 108-127, in Toward a New Climate Agreement: Conflict, Resolution, and Governance, edited by Todd L. Cherry, John Hovi, and David McEvoy. Routledge Books, London.

Matthew E. Oliver, Charles F. Mason, & David Finnoff (2014). Natural gas expansion and the cost of congestion. IAEE Energy Forum (1st Quarter 2014), pp. 31-32.

Working & Unpublished Papers

Victoria Godwin & Matthew E. Oliver (2024). Wind intermittency and supply-demand imbalance: Evidence from U.S. regional power markets. USAEE Working Paper No. 24-517. [Link] (Revisions requested at The Energy Journal, Nov. 2024.)

Archana Ghodeswar, Usha Nair-Reichert, & Matthew E. Oliver (2024). Fixing the leaking bucket: Financial factors and the performance of India’s electricity distribution utilities. (Under review. Submitted Sept. 2024.)

Matthew E. Oliver, Oliver Chapman, Santiago Grijalva, Daniel C. Matisoff, Maghfira Ramadhani, & Amanda West (2025). Managing Intermittent Renewable Energy: Review and Synthesis of the Engineering, Economics, and Policy. (Under review. Submitted Jan. 2025.)

Dylan Brewer & Matthew E. Oliver (2024). Presidents, Prices at the Pump, and the Difference in Perceptions between Energy Market Experts and Non-experts. [Link]

Lindsey Alexander & Matthew E. Oliver (2024). Google Trends and Going Green: A Comparative Study of Energy-Related Searches and Energy Trends in Germany and the United States. [Link]

Matthew E. Oliver, Juan Moreno-Cruz, & Ross C. Beppler (2019). Microeconomics of the rebound effect for residential solar photovoltaic systems. CESifo Working Paper No. 7635 [Link]; USAEE Working Paper No. 19-403 [Link].